Foto de Juan Aguirre

Hello world! I’m

Juanse Aguirre

Front End Developer

About me

I’m a Frontend Developer specialized in React projects and with studies and experience in Digital Marketing.

Currently I’m living in Mendoza, Argentina 🇦🇷, working remotely at Effectus Software 🇺🇾 — a mobile & web applications development agency and finishing my Marketing studies.

I consider myself a proactive person, I am always triying to learn about the enviroment in wich I find myself. I try to differentiate myself from the rest with my motivation, creativity and persistence. I also love dirt bikes, paintball and nature.

In my freetime, I run dirt bike races and I enjoy nature.

👨🏼‍💻 My stack:


Evisort Widget

Evisort is an innovative contract management platform that protects, scales, and accelerates business.

We developed widget to upload documents a dashboard to control them. Both were developed using TypeScript, React in Frontend and Node in Backend.

Evisort Widget

Evisort Admin

Evisort is an innovative contract management platform that protects, scales, and accelerates business.

We developed widget to upload documents a dashboard to control them. Both were developed using TypeScript, React in Frontend and Node in Backend.

Evisort Admin

Effectus Web

Effectus Web is Effectus Software's website. It is developed using Next to improve SEO and optimization.

We developed widget to upload documents a dashboard to control them. Both were developed using TypeScript, React in Frontend and Node in Backend.

Effectus Web

Corporate E-Sports Association

CEA is a platform to play professionally or amateurly video games tournaments.

I did some React features and fixed bugs.

Corporate E-Sports Association

Metropolitan Industries

Metropolitan Industries manufactures Hubs and Valves for optimized water movements and management.

We developed a React Native App and a React JS dashboard using TypeScript and integrated it with an existing Node backend.

Metropolitan Industries

Videogames App

Videogames App is a SPA (Single Page Application), where you can select different videogames with the related information using the API RAWG.

I used React for the Front End and Redux as state managment. All components were developed with Sass. The SPA consumes the RAWG data through a Back End developed in Node.JS using Express, adding new functionality to the original API.

Videogames App

Mendoza Cercos Eléctricos

Wordpress developed for Mendoza Cercos Electricos.

Integrating technologies such as Google Analytics to measure user behavior and Google Data Studio to cross the data collected in Google Analytics and Google Ads.

Mendoza Cercos Eléctricos

Mendoza Concertinas

Wordpress developed for Mendoza Concertinas.

Integrating technologies such as Google Analytics to measure user behavior and Google Data Studio to cross the data collected in Google Analytics and Google Ads.

Mendoza Concertinas

Mendoza Camaras de Seguridad

Wordpress developed for Mendoza Camaras de Seguridad.

Integrating technologies such as Google Analytics to measure user behavior and Google Data Studio to cross the data collected in Google Analytics and Google Ads.

Mendoza Camaras de Seguridad


Me encanto trabajar con Juanse. Como compañero de equipo siempre está dispuesto a ayudar e incluso guiando a pensar out of the box.

Matias Romero

Software Developer

Su manejo y entendimiento de ReactJS fue de gran ayuda para el logro de componentes atómicos y reutilizables. Juanse es un programador siempre bien predispuesto

Martin Bobrik

Software Developer

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